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RA – RE – Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871

Image by brizzle born and bred
Mathews’ Bristol Street Directory 1871
Rack Hay, Back Street
Raglan Place, Stapleton Road
Railway Cottages, King Street, Bedminster
Railway Terrace, Kingsland Road
Ranger’s Court, Lamb Street
Ranson’s Court, Bragg’s Lane
Red Lane, Redcliff Meads
Redcliff Back, Redcliff Street…
William Baker & Sons, corn merchants
Bram & Son, coopers, etc
P. Rowe, steamship agent
Harris & Sellick, rag merchants
Thomas Davis, coal merchant
Richard Cripps, wharfinger
Lucas, Brothers & Co. Redcliff wharf
Edward Mill Veal, vict, Carpenters’ Arms (pub) 1816. William Lockwood / 1820. James Warbutton / 1823 – 32. James Jones / 1834 – 39. Elizabeth Jones / 1840. Thomas Kerslake 1842 – 44. Jane Prewett / 1847. William David / 1848 to 1853. Edward Johns / 1854 to 1855. Mary Johns 1856 to 1857. Gregory Davey / 1858 to 1860. John Mallett / 1861. Eleanor Mallett / 1863 – 75. Ann Osborne / 1876 to 1878. R. E. Veal 1879. Edward Veal / 1881. James Andrews / 1882. Fanny Andrews / 1883. James Pollard / 1885 – 87. Sarah Hughes 1888. Sarah Williams / 1889. George Nott / 1891 – 99. Henry Davis / 1901. Mrs. E. Davis / 1904 – 09. Elizabeth Hinton. Edward Johns was also a fire brick maker
Redcliff Buildings, Redcliff Hill
Redcliff Crescent (east, west, & centre) York Road, Bedmister
Redcliff Hill, Redcliff Street to Bedminster Bridge…
1. George Gardiner, surgeon
5. John Coles, joiner
7. William Morse, surgeon & dentist
8. Henry Hart, ship surveyor and valuer
9. William John Knight, plumber & painter
10. Webb & Thomas, milliners
11. J. W. Willway & Co. dyers, Redcliff house
12. Charles Hanney, Co-operative Society Stores
13. John Hillier, basket maker
14. Mrs Tidcombe, earthenware dealer
29. Elizabeth Jane Harris, dyer
John Tutt, hairdresser
14. John Webb, dairyman
Mrs Bethell, dress maker
15. Cleophas Shaddick
William Prowse, carpenter
16. Robert Long, saddler, etc
17. Josiah Harris, pawnbroker
19. John McCartney, currier
20. Charles Sherwood, baker
22. Frederick Harding, pork butcher
24. William Stone, paper hanger
25. Samuel Mansfield, boot maker
26. Alfred Martin, boot maker
27. Alfred Whittle, greengrocer etc
28. William Orchard, pork butcher
29. William Henry Richards, dentist & watch-maker
30. John Mathews, butcher.
31. George Williams, grocer
32. Robert Henry Smith, potato stores
33. John Thomas Wilkins, tailor
34. James Thomas, hay dealer
36. William James Hall, grocer
37. Aldred D. Collard, butcher
38. Charles Harrison, confectioner
William Merrick, builder & professor of singing, Rossini villa
39. Theophilus Ackerman, druggist
6. Henry Thompson, saddler, etc
7. Mary Ann Garland, straw hat maker
8. John Peace Couch, boot maker
9. William Kirk, news-agent
11. William Frederick Sheppard, hatter
12. David J. Thomas, hosier
13. John Coates, watch maker
14. William Goulter, chemist
15. Albert Edward Flux, linen draper, etc
16. Elizabeth Jones, confectioner
17. Miss Sheppard, greengrocer
17. Robert S. Cole, plumber & gas-fitter
18. Henry Kent, butcher
19. Jacob Smith, confectioner
21. Joseph Henry Green
Redcliff Girl’s School – Mrs. Green, governess
22. Thomas Stephens, wine & spirit dealer
36. John R. Farler & Son, family grocers
37. William Heyman, oil & color-man
69. James Mantle, linen draper
71. William Clark Gobbett, linen draper
72. George Smith & Co. furnishing & lronmongers
77. James Venn & Son, tobacconists
78. Joseph Hooper, butcher
78. Farnham, Budgett & Co. tea dealers
47. Henry Charles Pope, confectioner
48. Rupert A. Weare, baker & corn merchant
49. Samuel Robert Long, spirit merchant
50. John Pitman, chemist and druggist
51. William H. Olive, pawnbroker & silversmith, etc
52. Thomas Fryer and Hallett, surgeons
53. Thomas Williams, linen draper
54. Henry Pugh & Son, family grocers
Sheldon, Bush, & Co. patent shot & lead pipe manufacturers
58. Samuel Seex, grocer, etc
59. Joseph Stock, linen draper
60. Edward Lucas, boot maker
61. J. H. Manning, provision dealer
62. George Powell, stationer & news-agent
63. Henry Thorne, grocer and tea dealer
64 William Edwin Jones, boot maker
64. J . & W. E. Jones, house agents
65. Joseph Willis, butcher
66. John Hayland, hatter & silver lace manufacturer
67. Baker, Houghton & Co. ironmongers
68. George Gardner, boot maker
69. F. & C. Northam, tea dealers, etc
70. Mark Sellick, vict, Boar’s Head & Redcliff Tavern (pub) On the corner with Jones’ Lane, the Boar’s Head narrowly missed demolition in 1936 when the new inner circuit road was cut through the bottom of Redcliff Hill. The pub then survived until 1941 when it was flattened by Hitler’s bombs.
57. William Turvey, vict, Ship (pub) The Ship Inn was re-built in 1860, it stood across the road from St.Mary Redcliffe Church and was next door to the famous shot tower, it once had stables and a coach house at the rear. A popular jazz venue in the 50’s and 60’s, the pub and the shot tower were demolished in 1968 to be replaced with office buildings.
70. William Rice, vict, Waggon & Horses (pub) Among the last buildings on Redcliff Hill to be demolished to make way for the new dual-carriageway in 1969.
35. John Crook, vict, Talbot Inn (pub) 1792. Lawrence Boucher / 1794. William Oldfield / 1800 – 06. Thomas James / 1816. William Sargeant / 1820 – 34. Ann Pillinger 1837 – 52. Ann Sinnett / 1853. George Sinnett / 1853. George Burgess / 1854. George Crook / 1855 to 1874. John Crook 1875 to 1877. Sarah A. Crook / 1878 to 1888. William Tudball / 1889. James Nash / 1891. William Eades / 1891 – 94. Ellen Eades 1896. Arthur Hulbert / 1897. Charles David / 1899 – 1904. Sarah Cox David / 1909. Ellen Jane Gray.
10. Mary Ann George, porter stores, vict, Albion (pub) 1871. Mary Ann George / 1872. George Cleverly / 1874 – 78. John Leakey / 1879 to 1891. Henry Peters / 1892 – 96. Dick Smith 1899 – 1901. Arthur Callaway.
6. ?. Clarke, vict, Hope & Anchor (pub) A coaching inn with stables and a large courtyard at the rear, this pub received a direct hit in the war and was burned to the ground. The site is now occupied by offices.
18. James Vincent, vict, Star (pub) Just three doors up from the Berkeley Castle, the Star is pictured here during the tenancy of Thomas Court, this is probably Mr. Court stood in the doorway. The Star ceased trading around the time of the first world war when the building was taken over by printers: The General Publishing Syndicate Ltd., who still occupied the building prior to its demolition in 1961.
21. Robert Oram, vict, Berkeley Castle (pub) The Berkeley Castle, and two doors down the hill the Lord Nelson, both these pubs disappeared in 1961 when the south east side of Redcliff Hill was cleared to make way for new flats and road widening.
23. James Potter, vict, Lord Nelson (pub) The Lord Nelson with its large Bristol United Breweries sign, and two doors to the left the Georges’ & Co. sign of the Berkeley Castle, all these buildings were demolished in the early 1960’s for road widening.
William Sage, vict, Shepherd’s Rest (pub) No.29½ Redcliff Hill (later No.113) 1867 – 68. Thomas Thomas / 1870 – 75. William Sage / 1876 – 79. Charles K. Parker / 1881 – 83. Joseph Sidaway / 1886. Mrs. Sidaway 1887. S. Hatherly / 1889. Walter Jones / 1891 – 96. Samuel Hale / 1899 – 1904. Betsy Browning / 1906 – 09. James Taylor.
35. Philip Thomas, vict, George & Dragon (pub) On the corner with Redcliff Hill. The pub was demolished in 1961 to allow for road widening as part of the second Bedminster bridge roundabout scheme.
Redcliff Brewery No.107 Redcliff Street, built in 1640, this old building like many others in the area was lost in the blitz. The brewery entrance would have been at the rear of the building on Redcliff Back where there was once a pub called the Brewers’ Arm.
Redcliff Mead Lane, Temple Gate to Cathay
Sarah Station, shopkeeper
E. Mackervoy, grocer and dairyman
Henry Saunders, greengrocer
Robert Batten, shopkeeper
Bishop & Butt, brewers, Redcliff Mead brewery
Jesse Reeves, vict, Neptune (pub) 1853. George Castle / 1861 – 63. John Bennett / 1865 – 66. Maria Bennett / 1867 to 1868. E. Ellbury / 1869 – 77. Jesse Reeves.
Richard Bush, vict, Barley Mow (pub) 1865. John Poole / 1867. J. Smith / 1868 – 89. Richard Bush / 1891 – 1904. Stephen Bush.
Redcliff Parade, Redcliff Hill
Redcliff National School (see comments below for schools in the Redcliff area).
Thomas Randall, master of schools
William Tremayne
James Knight, lodging houses
John Boon
Richard Stock, butcher
G. Symons
Daniel Taber
John Hannam, accountant
Nathaniel May
Mrs Reynolds, teacher of music
George Jackson
Mrs Prewitt
William Fry, master mariner
William Middleton Gibson
Richard & William King, African merchants
Henry Arundell Day, M.D. surgeon
Henry Brain
John C. Cummins
Donald Claxton
Robert Long
Robert William Ellis, surgeon
?. Helyer, dentist
James Logan, surgeon, M.D.
William H. Pugh
Samuel John Harris
William Hutchings
Redcliff Place, near Redcliff Hill
Redcliff Square, near Redcliff Hill
Redcliff Street, Bristol Bridge to Redcliff Hill…
1. T.C. Stock, paper-hangings manufacturers
2-3. E.S. and A. Robinson, wholesale Stationers, printers, etc
4. Finch and Godwin, wire workers
5. J. Hooper, poulterer
6. H. Hooper, victualler
7-9. H. Prichard & Co. oil merchants
11. Edwin Gale, grocer
12. Thomas & Joseph Weston, iron merchants
13. Wills & Co. tobacconists…
13. Jacob Saunders, glass and moulding warehouse
15. Elizabeth Butterwick, stationer & music seller
16. S. & J . Newman, cabinet makers
W. Inch, japanner
17. Neat & Co. tripe merchants
17. Charles H. Chavasse, Birmingham goods warehouse
19. John Thomas, Sons & Co. wholesale grocers
20. Samuel Jacques Fear, plumber, etc
21. T. Bolwell, milliner
22. W. V. Lott, brush maker
23. George Taylor, wine & spirit merchant
21. A. & J. Warren, wholesale druggists
25. Elizabeth Bozley, grocer
27. Joseph Wacks, print seller
28. J. & S. Powell, cork cutters
29. Stiff & Fry, starch and blue makers
30. George Smith, butcher
33. T. Batson, boot maker
34-35. E. Fear, furnishing warerooms
36. ?. Thorne, cabinet maker
36. O. Ball, bellows maker
38. William Hudson, grocer
39. John Miles, earthenware dealer
40. Samuel Sweet, carpenter
Elias Wills, currier
John Jones Willie, japanner
41-42. Sanders & Ludlow, wholesale confectioners
43. William Wood, cabinet maker
49. C. R. Claridge, marine stores
51. William James Martin, boot maker
53. M. Kingston, vict. and builder
54. John Sturt, greengrocer
55. Charles Selfe Winterson, brass founder, etc
56. John Dando, furniture broker
57. Edward Fisher, outfitter
58. Robert Clarke Bartlett, milliner, etc
Thomas Williams, plumber, etc
59. Jacob Joel, boot maker
60. E. Brison & Co. brush & bellows makers, etc (Later moved to Peter Street)
61. H. S. Willett, spirit vaults
62. J. Derham, butcher
63. Thomas Frankham, general dealer
64. Baker, Houghton & Co. wholesale ironmongers
65. H. B. Osborne, plumber, etc
66. Richard Pullin, pork butcher
67. ?. Cowens, eating house
68. R. Dadley, cutler
69. Newton, Son, and Heanes, brass founders
71. Frederick Brice, eating house
72. S. Nelson, butcher
73. J. King & Co. wholesale confectioners
76. W. H. M’Guiness, outfitter
77. George Davidge, hair dresser
78. George Mitchell, fishmonger
80. John Slade, wheelwright
81. William A. Pedler, stay maker
82. B. Lazarus, pawnbroker
83. Mrs M. Summers, milliner
72. Thomas Lane, butcher
73. T. H. Davis, linen draper
74. T. Hasell, grocer, etc
75. G. Grant, baker, etc
76. James Mee, boot maker
77. S. J. Cross, linen draper, etc
78. J. Atkins, watch-maker
Thomas Atkins, stationer, etc
79. Boon & Son, ironmongers, etc
80. Alfred Isaac Davis, draper & milliner
81. R. & O. Warren, wholesale druggists
82. John O. Cummins, pawnbroker
83. Bees & Fear, wine & spirit merchants
84. T. Pearce, boot maker
85. M. A. Orchard, pork butcher
86. T. Dyer & Co. grocers, etc
87. William Gillard, fruiterer, etc
Nathan Parkin, printer & stationer
William Gray, glass and china dealer
88. Mrs Millard, servants’ registry
89. Billett & Co. outfitters
90. Edwards, Ringer, & Co. tobacco & snuff manufacturers. The firm of Edwards, Ringer & Bigg (Bristol) which is a combination of four old Bristol tobacco businesses, traces its origin to 1813 when William Ringer set up business in Bristol.
91. William Quick, bookseller
92. Edward Nott, confectioner
93. Jane Osborne, confectioner
94. R. C. Bartlett, bonnet warehouse
95. S. Holmes, boot maker
96-98. C. T. Jefferies & Sons, booksellers, printers, etc
100. W. A. Latham, currier and leather-cutter
101. J. & M. Warry, watch-makers
102. Richard Gibbs & Son, linen drapers
103. Elizabeth Clarke, confectioner
104. Harding & Co. wholesale stationers
105. J. Curtis, baker
106. John Cory Withers, hatter
107. Sykes & Co. brewers Daniel Sykes & Co. Ltd merged with Bristol United Breweries Ltd in 1897 and the brewery was closed down in 1898. For a list of south Gloucestershire pubs tied to the Redcliff Brewery in 1891 click on link…
108. John King, cabinet maker
110. Wills & Co. tobacco manufacturers
113. Peters and Taylor, tin-plate & galvanized ironmongers
114. Collins & Roper, druggists’ sundries dealers
115. Gerrish & Sainsbury, wharfingers ( is a term for a person who is the keeper or owner of a wharf).
116 J. & S. Gillard, rope and haircloth makers
117-120. Purnell, Webb, & Co. tobacco manufacturers & vinegar makers…
121. E. L. Box, seedsman
122. Thomas Taylor, druggist
123. E. Moore, tallow chandler
G. & T. Spencer
124. Wansbrough & Co. wholesale stationers
125 J. B. Moore, soap & candle manufacturer
126. Isaac Davis & Son, carvers & gilders
127. J. C. Wall, railway depot
128. Edwin Jones & Co. Glasgow Iron Foundry
135. J. Green, cutler
136. Danks & Sanders, wharfingers & carriers, Bull wharf
136. Griffith & James, slate merchants & slaters
137. Jonathan Bryant, tea merchant
138. W. Harding, fish curer
139. Aaron Diamond, tin-plate worker
140. Godwin, Warren, & Co. iron merchants
142. Turner, Nott & Strong, corn merchants
143. T. Fogaty, wharfinger
144. Mary Hooper, butcher
145. John Dennis, ironmonger
146. D. Harries, linen draper
26. M. Flower, vict, Queen’s Head (pub) 1752. Charles Wood / 1792 – 1806. William Williams / 1816 to 1840. Samuel Rich / 1840 to 1857. Mary Ann Rich 1858 to 1871. Marshall Flower.
37. James Pye, vict, Little Ship (pub) 1775. John Dally / 1794. Sarah Devereux / 1800. Mary Bevan / 1806 – 16. George Oliver / 1820. Thomas Siviter 1823 – 28. Sarah Siviter / 1830 – 31. James Battle / 1832. William Thomas / 1834. ? Heath / 1837. Thomas Jones 1839 – 40. Mary Robertson / 1842. William Wilcox / 1847 – 71. James Pye / 1872 – 78. Henry George James.
Sarah Gregory vict, Old Arm Chair (pub) 1863 – 74. Samuel Webb / 1874 – 77. Sarah Gregory. Samuel Webb was also a chair maker.
79. Ann Young, vict, Angel inn (pub) 1752. John Hill / 1794. Sarah Lovell / 1800 – 06. John Lovell / 1816. John Willis / 1820. Jennet Willis / 1822. Charles Parker 1823. Joseph Scott / 1825 – 32. George King / 1834 – 55. John Pearce / 1856. Edwin Pearce / 1858 – 66. John Young 1867 to 1875. Ann Young / 1876 – 77. George Wilcox / 1879 – 87. John Ehmann / 1888 to 1891. George Becker 1892 – 94. George Duggan / 1896. Lawrence Tooth / 1897. George Lethbridge / 1899. Edward Cranfield / 1901. Frederick Welsford 1904. Charles Hole / 1906. William Palmer / 1909. Frederick Wilkins. (for a glimpse see the Don Cossack).
74-75. G. C. Plumley, vict, Don Cossack (pub) On the corner with Portwall Lane. The Don restaurant by 1890 and later a temperance hotel the building was lost in the blitz.
70. T. Hill, vict, Old Fox (pub) Near the corner with Portwall Lane, the old building was pulled down in the 1870’s for road widening, and re-built in brick.
George Wilcox, vict, Golden Lion (pub) The Golden Lion was at No.100 Redcliff Street and was one of many buildings lost in this area during the blitz.
Redcross Lane, Redcross Street to Old Market Street
Redcross Street, Ellbroad Street to Redcross Lane
Mrs Caroline Butcher, dress maker
Henry Densham, tanner
George Burge, sign painter
John Eastman
Charles Augustus Dicker, broker
Henry Edward Kear, machine maker
John Dodge, marble mason
William Pinney, cabinet maker
George Morgan, poultry dealer
Matthew Crowley, garden wire worker
Samuel Collings, grocer
William Gadd, grocer
John Hazell, potatoe dealer
James Collins, marine stores
James Wheeler, grocer
E. Honour, match maker
Charles Dickson, beer seller
William Hall
Sidney Chard, chandler
British School
John Douglas, machinist (Douglas Motocycles of Kingswood)
William Turner Beavis, plasterer, vict, Rose & Crown (pub) 1775. Elizabeth Hopkins / 1792 – 94. Roger Prosser / 1806. Grace Hoare / 1816. Ann Giles / 1832. John Norris / 1847. James Haines 1849 – 54. E. Webber / 1855. James Frampter / 1857. J. H. Phippen / 1860 – 61. John W. Rippon / 1865. Elizabeth Garland 1867. George George / 1868. Samuel Collard / 1869 – 89. William Beavis / 1891. Frederick Allen / 1896. Elizabeth Williams 1901 – 04. William Stevens / 1906 – 09. George Payne / 1914. Isabella Payne / 1917 – 23. George Payne 1924 to 1934. James Henry Lines / 1934 – 38. Samuel Woodruff Hollis / 1944. Marie Merchant-Locke 1950 – 53. Margaret Merchant-Locke / 1960. G. A. J. Wills. John Rippon was a baker and beer house keeper.
Sarah Bending, vict, Hit or Miss (pub) 1861 – 67. Charles Gregory / 1868. J. Brain / 1871 – 78. Sarah Bending / 1879. Norman Richards / 1881 – 83. William Loney 1885 – 86. George Mills / 1889. Joseph Eyles / 1891. John Hobbs / 1892. Alfred Cantle / 1897 – 1901. James Harris 1904. Miss. S. Bates.
Elizabeth Ann Organ, vict, Old Crown (pub) (Back Lane) Redcross Lane. 1816 – 20. Rachael Duckham / 1823. Thomas Duckham / 1826. William Blanchard / 1828 – 32. John Thorn / 1834. John Rossiter 1837 – 61. Thomas Rossiter / 1863. James Fish / 1867 – 71. Elizabeth Ann Organ / 1872 to 1875. John Southcott 1876 to 1898. Shedrack Potter / 1901 Frederick W. Lockwood / 1902 – 04. William Symes / 1906 – 44. George Ewans 1950 – 53. Mary Ann Ewans. On 30th November 1898, Shedrack Potter sold the Old Crown and adjoining dwelling house to Stoke’s Croft brewers R. W. Miller & Co. for the sum of £2000.
Redfield Place, Lawrence Hill
Miss Frances Lisle, Redland Green house
Theodore James, Grenville house
Richard Castle, Richmond house
John Robert Turner, Luccombe house
John Llewellyn, Grove house
George Weight Gwyer, Franconia house
G. D. Whereat, Hillside house
Rev. William Cartwright, Redland parsonage
Richard Boucher James, Canowie house
(Cold Harbour Lane)
John E. Williams, vict, Cambridge Arms (pub) 1865 – 78. John Williams / 1882 – 83. William Whitmarsh / 1885 – 88. Mary Ann Rowlands / 1889 – 1909. Thomas Burridge 1914. Ellen Roberts / 1917 – 38. Cecil Geoffrey Cains Trudgen / 1944. John Harold / 1950 – 53. Harold Chapman / 1975. A. R. Wildman.
William Gregory, Union cottage
William Henry Budgett, Redland house
Edward Payson Wills, Torweston house
John Reynolds, Manor house
James Gent Wood, Stanley villa
Henry Wileman, Redland Knoll
James C. Wall, Redland lodge
Daniel Fripp, St. Vincent’s lodge
George O. Edwards, Redland court
William Balsdon
Misses Balsdon, ladies’ school, Woodfield villa
Mrs Elizabeth Williams, Elm villa
Charles Webb, builder, etc. Malvern house
Henry Robertson, Redland farm
Redland Court Road, Redland Road
Redland Green, top of Redland Road
Redland Grove, Lower Redland Road to Lover’s Walk
Thomas Davis, Santa clara
Samuel Burman, Hollybank
James Clark
Sampson Rieland
G. Frederick Church, Claverham villa
F. B. Fooks, Elmfield
Henry Webb, Elmside
Miss Thomas, Windsor villa, preparatory school
?. Townshend, York villa
Redland Hill, top of Redland Road
Miss Emma Venning
John Lucas, Redland bank
Mrs Sanderson, ladies’ boarding school, Redland hill house
Henry House, Gothic cottage
Mrs Lucy Vaughan
William Saunders, Redland cottage
Mrs Maria Humpage, Bellevue villa
Samuel Wills, Redland villa
Thomas Webster, surgeon, Malvern house
Mrs Eliza Nutting, Castle Bellevue
Abraham Champion, Castle Bellevue
Redland Parade, Redland Road
Redland Park, Whiteladies Road
William Edward Matthews, Rosedale house
Mrs Callcott, Redfield house .
Richard Sanders, Glenthern lodge
William Cromey, Camborne house
George Thomas Bright, Rougemont house
James Rowe Shorland, Greinton house
Redland Park Road, 151, Whiteladies Road
Redland Park Villas, Whiteladies Road
Mrs Agnes Young, ladies boarding school
Col. Charles Hutchinson
John Bourne
Henry William Sayles
John Piggott
Thomas Garner Grundy
John Edwards, Runnymede house
William Thomas Moseley, Thornbury house
Edward Strickland
T. Phillips, Stanley house
Richard Ferris Rumsey, Bradley house
Thomas Bush Sage, Brighton house
Miss Hooft, Stanley house
Miss Elizabeth Irons, ladies’ boarding school, Camerton villa
D. Cunliffe, Cromer villa
Col. Patton, Sandown villa
Owen Smith
George Palmer Hutchins, Henley villa
George Thomas, Dartmouth villa
?. Kingswood lodge
Rev. Henry Marris, Lyndhurst villa
Redland Park Congregational Church
Redland Road, Redland to Cheltenham Road
Redland Road (Lower), Redland Road to Whiteladies Road
John Mustey, greengrocer
George M. Stansfeld, surgeon, The Shrubbery
George Webber, Elm lodge
Mrs Margret Williams, Somerset house
Mrs Isabella Stewart, Eldon villa
Charles Bennett, Wellington villa
John York, Warkwood house
John G. Thornton, Avenue villa
Mrs Elizabeth Hoskin, Ross villa
Henry Ashman, Belgravia
J . Bryant. Chelvey villa
William Bevan Warry, Chisbury villa
William Blackwell, Rozel villa
Henry Gillard, Avonleigh villa
Col. Charles Waddell, Orchard villa
Joseph Hartland, Tewkesbury villa
James Willey, 2, Collumpton villas
H. H. Hodge, 1, Collumpton villas
John Davis, builder, grocer etc. Vale house
J . Peters, butcher
William Mustey, greengrocer
(Bindon Place)
1. David Pickett
2. Samuel Hayter, dentist
3. Mrs Mary Morgan, lodging house
4. Joseph Goss
5. Mrs Annie Tedder
Redland Side, Cheltenham Road
Redland Terrace, Lower Redland Road, near Whiteladies Road
1. Rev. John Howard Hinton, M.A.
3. William James
4. Alfred Robert S. Hiley
5. Mrs Agnes Phillips
6. Henry William Britton
7. James Shaw
Redland Vale, Redland Road
Mrs Fowell and C. Watts, Albion villa
Mrs Catherine M. Rudge
Charles K. Rudge, surgeon
Thomas Walters, St. James’s villa
Thomas Griffin
Robert David Douch Bartlett, Clifft villa
Mrs Susan Westley, Shirley villa
John Cox, Hillside lodge
Mrs Evans, Eva cottage
Gustavus Richard Lovell, Swiss cottage
William Ball Palmer, Alma cottage
George Davis, Clyde cottage
E. Goodwin, Fairbank villa .
Mrs John Lane, Cradley house
Miss Pinchback, Sidney villa
George Muschamp
Edward Walton Claypole, Pendennis villa
Joseph Lockey, Raymont villa
Mrs Mary Randall, Donnington villa
Edward Maish
Alfred Hall, Erne Leat
Red Lodge Court, Frogmore Cliff, Park Row
Redlodge Place, Leopard Lane
Red Rank, Lower Ashley Road
Reece’s Court, 65, Hotwell Road
Reeds Court, East Street, Bedminster
Reform Court, Old Market Street
Regent Buildings, Bishop Street to Sargent St, Bedminster
Regent Place, St. James’ Square
Regent Place, Union Road, Dings
Regent Place, Royal York Crescent
Regent Place, Spring Street
Regent Road, Coronation Road, to Bedminster Parade
(Nelson Gardens)
William Davis, grocer
James Atkins
Richard F. Cox, clerk
Frederick Shortman, shopkeeper
William Jones, grocer
Daniel Hill, vict, Little Ship (pub) 1854 – 71. Daniel Hill / 1874 – 77. Stephen Hitchcock / 1879. Thomas Elbury / 1881 – 83. Ann Cook / 1885 – 87. Leonard Organ 1888 – 1909. Frederick George Aplin / 1914. Ellen Evans.
Thomas Knight, vict, White Squall (pub) 1867 – 91. Thomas Knight / 1893 – 99. Thomas Nicholls / 1904 – 14. John Porter / 1917 – 21. Herman Gallop.
William Knight, vict, Coronation inn (pub) 1831 – 34. Martha Yeates / 1837 – 44. John Yeates / 1849 – 52. John Parkes / 1853 – 54. Henry Chaffey / 1856 – 61. William Harrill 1863. Maria Harrill / 1867 – 69. William Marshall / 1871. William Knight / 1872 to 1877. William Selway / 1878. H. Kiddle 1879. Joseph Roberts / 1882 – 83. William Davis / 1886 – 87. Arthur Bishop / 1888 – 89. William E. Davis / 1891 – 96. James Hall 1897 – 99. Charles Pegler / 1901. Charles Lloyd / 1904. H. Hodge / 1906 – 28. William Sweetland / 1931. Frederick Burchill 1935. George Brown / 1937 – 38. Elsie Holley / 1944 – 50. Clara Batten / 1953. Alan Crane.
Thomas Hill, vict, Robin Hood (pub) Queen Street. 1858 – 75. Thomas Hill / 1882 – 85. Jane Bass / 1886 to 1887. G. Mills / 1888. Betsey Mills / 1889 to 1891. Betsey Gully 1892. Thomas Veal / 1896 – 99. Elizabeth Veal / 1901. W. Wright / 1906. Thomas Plumb / 1909. William Pudner 1914. William Chamberlain / 1917. Rosa Annie Saunders / 1921. Emma Griffey / 1925 – 28. Matilda Jane Ashley.
Regent Street, Boyce’s Buildings to Clifton
Regent Street, Clarence Town, St. Philips
Sarah A. Doust, beer retailer
John Spurrier, fly & break proprietor
Mary Orchard, butcher
Joseph C. Paul
Gustaff Selund
James Anford
Osmond Williams
John Yalland
Thomas Williams
Mary Dustan
Thomas D. Jarrett, tax collector
William Fox
Thomas James
Caleb Lee, beer retailer vict, Newtown Tavern (pub) 1867 – 89. Caleb Lee / 1891 – 96. William Evans / 1899 – 1904. Edwin Lentell / 1906 – 09. Richard Parker / 1914 – 28. John Leaman 1931. Frank Saunders / 1935 – 38. Gilbert England / 1944 – 53. Frederick Pegler.
Elizabeth Tinsley, vict vict, Freemason’s Arms Hotel (pub) Regent Street / Barrow Road (the Freemasons’ Arms was demolished in 1969) 1863. George Kinnerley / 1871 – 76. Elizabeth Tinsley / 1877. William Harding / 1878 – 79. Isaac Jefferies / 1885. William Higgs 1886 – 87. L. Morgan / 1889 – 91. William Baggs / 1892. Edward Roberts / 1894. Walter Whyatt / 1899. William Brown 1904 – 06. James Davis / 1909. William Withers / 1914 – 17. Frederick Curtis / 1921. Frank Ford / 1925. Edwin Tanner 1928 – 38. Clara Tanner / 1944 – 49. Henry Burt / 1949 to 1957. Reginald Gwinnell.
Regent Terrace, Newtown
Regent Terrace, St. James’ Square
Regina Place, Stapleton Road
Rennison’s Baths, bottom of Cheltenham Buildings, Montpelier
Rennison’s Court, Hillgrove Hill
Reynard’s Court, The Horsefair
RI – RY – Bristol Street Directory 1871
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center: B-29 Superfortress “Enola Gay” panorama

Image by Chris Devers
Quoting Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum | Lockheed P-38J-10-LO Lightning :
In the P-38 Lockheed engineer Clarence "Kelly" Johnson and his team of designers created one of the most successful twin-engine fighters ever flown by any nation. From 1942 to 1945, U. S. Army Air Forces pilots flew P-38s over Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Pacific, and from the frozen Aleutian Islands to the sun-baked deserts of North Africa. Lightning pilots in the Pacific theater downed more Japanese aircraft than pilots flying any other Allied warplane.
Maj. Richard I. Bong, America’s leading fighter ace, flew this P-38J-10-LO on April 16, 1945, at Wright Field, Ohio, to evaluate an experimental method of interconnecting the movement of the throttle and propeller control levers. However, his right engine exploded in flight before he could conduct the experiment.
Transferred from the United States Air Force.
Lockheed Aircraft Company
Country of Origin:
United States of America
Overall: 390 x 1170cm, 6345kg, 1580cm (12ft 9 9/16in. x 38ft 4 5/8in., 13988.2lb., 51ft 10 1/16in.)
Physical Description:
Twin-tail boom and twin-engine fighter; tricycle landing gear.
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Quoting Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum | Boeing B-29 Superfortress "Enola Gay":
Boeing’s B-29 Superfortress was the most sophisticated propeller-driven bomber of World War II and the first bomber to house its crew in pressurized compartments. Although designed to fight in the European theater, the B-29 found its niche on the other side of the globe. In the Pacific, B-29s delivered a variety of aerial weapons: conventional bombs, incendiary bombs, mines, and two nuclear weapons.
On August 6, 1945, this Martin-built B-29-45-MO dropped the first atomic weapon used in combat on Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later, Bockscar (on display at the U.S. Air Force Museum near Dayton, Ohio) dropped a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan. Enola Gay flew as the advance weather reconnaissance aircraft that day. A third B-29, The Great Artiste, flew as an observation aircraft on both missions.
Transferred from the United States Air Force.
Boeing Aircraft Co.
Martin Co., Omaha, Nebr.
Country of Origin:
United States of America
Overall: 900 x 3020cm, 32580kg, 4300cm (29ft 6 5/16in. x 99ft 1in., 71825.9lb., 141ft 15/16in.)
Polished overall aluminum finish
Physical Description:
Four-engine heavy bomber with semi-monoqoque fuselage and high-aspect ratio wings. Polished aluminum finish overall, standard late-World War II Army Air Forces insignia on wings and aft fuselage and serial number on vertical fin; 509th Composite Group markings painted in black; "Enola Gay" in black, block letters on lower left nose.