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Good China Fender Molding pictures
Verify out these china fender molding pictures:
Image by Christine G. H. Franck
"China table
Origin: America, Virginia, Williamsburg
OH: 30 1/eight" OW: 36 three/8" OD: 23 five/16"
All components are of mahogany.
Bought with funds provided by Mrs. William C. Schoettle
Acc. No. 1980-95
Appearance: rectangular prime with astragal molded edge sawn interlacing guilloche fretwork gallery with astragal molded best edge 4 fretwork aprons with sawn and drilled foliated pattern front and rear aprons feature fretwork pendants centering profile of a bird, that on rear side in blind profile, that on front with carved tail, feather, eye, and beak information 4 legs, L-shaped in cross section, with sawn and drilled fretwork of rosettes and interlacing scrolls every single leg flanked by two sawn fretwork brackets incorporating C-scrolls.
Construction: The legs are not mitered, as on most British examples, but sawn from solid single boards. The rails and gallery are solid nonlaminated elements as well. The gallery is mitered at the corners and glued into a rabbet at the outer edges of the single-board best, which in turn is nailed to the frame by way of the rabbet. Vertical quarter-round mahogany blocks further support the gallery at its corners and an astragal molding is glued and nailed to the edges of the best. The rails are tenoned into the legs, and the knee brackets are glued and nailed to the legs and aprons without having advantage of tenons.
Mark(s): None.
Inscription(s): None.
In explaining the use of china tables, Thomas Chippendale wrote in 1762 that they had been intended "for holding every a Set of China, and may be used as Tea-Tables." With their fencelike fretwork galleries, china tables had been admirably suited for the protection of pricey tea wares. More essential, they provided gentry householders an uncommonly sophisticated indicates of displaying tea china even when it was not in use, as a result providing visitors with a visual reminder of the owner’s taste, status, and social position.
China tables have been comparatively common in Britain but were made infrequently in the colonies. Most of the known American examples were manufactured in these urban centers exactly where British influence on local cabinetmaking was especially robust. One example is Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where at least eight ornate china tables with elaborate crossed stretchers have been produced throughout the third quarter of the eighteenth century. Portsmouth artisans had been heavily influenced by the Boston cabinet trade till some shifted to a strikingly British furnishings style in the 1760s and 1770s, a adjust most likely caused by the arrival of a couple of British cabinetmakers about that time.
China tables were also created in Charleston, South Carolina, another center exactly where British influence prevailed. Though no extant Charleston china tables have yet been identified, records of their production survive. In 1772, cabinetmaker Richard Magrath, who had not too long ago arrived from London, advertised his ability to make a wide assortment of trendy furnishings forms like "China Tables." Thomas Elfe made the kind as well, supplying tables with a range of optional elements. Elfe’s accounts among 1768 and 1775 list everything from straightforward "China Tables" or a "china tea table" to a "China frett tea table" and "commode [i.e., serpentine] fret China Tables with castors." The Elfe accounts also acknowledge the inherent fragility of china tables since the artisan recorded mending and even replacing their fretwork galleries routinely.
British-oriented cabinetmakers in Williamsburg created their share of china tables also. Eight tables are known, amongst them this well-preserved instance that descended in the Lewis and Byrd families of nearby Gloucester County. As opposed to most American china tables, this one and a associated Williamsburg instance now owned by the State Department have legs composed of open fretwork. The foliated fret pattern mirrors that used for the carved blind frets on the back of the Masonic Master’s chair made for Lodge six in Williamsburg. This association, collectively with the table’s neighborhood history, accounts for the Williamsburg attribution. The exact same fret pattern also seems in the richly carved aprons of a number of extremely various but no much less outstanding Williamsburg china tables, like acc. 1991-431. The fret design and style was probably adapted from a number of patterns for fireplace fenders published in the 1764-1765 edition of HOUSEHOLD Furnishings IN THE PRESENT TASTE. Even the birds in the front and rear aprons of the present table can be traced to this supply.
One particular of the most puzzling elements of china table production in colonial Tidewater Virginia is the intrinsically ornate nature of the type, which is at odds with the neat and plain taste that permeates most other eastern Virginia cabinet wares of the exact same date. There is no concrete explanation for the anomaly, though an intriguing connection could hyperlink Masonic chairs and china tables. Though the chairs had been used in the meeting halls of an exclusive fraternal society and the tables had been produced for the parlors and drawing rooms of the wealthy elite, every single type was nonetheless a central element in elaborate ceremonies–ritualized secret meetings on the one particular hand and ritualized social gatherings on the other. Maybe their roles as symbolic focal points of crucial social ceremonies demanded high levels of ornamentation.
The table was identified in the loved ones of the last private owner as the "Lewis Table" and the "Susan Lewis Table." According to family members tradition, it descended from Susan Lewis (b. 1782) and her husband, William Powell Byrd (b. 1776), of Whitehall, Gloucester Co., Va., via the family members to Richard Corbin Byrd (b. 1837), to his daughter, Fanny Marshall Byrd (1869-1960), who bequeathed the table to her daughter, Katherine Corbin Waller (1899-1994), from whom the table was acquired by CWF in 1980."
From: emuseum.history.org/code/emuseum.asp?action=newpage&s…
Image from page 536 of “Canadian transportation & distribution management” (1913)
Image by Web Archive Book Images
Identifier: canadiantransport1913
Title: Canadian transportation & distribution management
Year: 1913 (1910s)
Subjects: Freight and freightage Shipment of goods Transportation
Publisher: Don Mills, Ont. : Southam Business Publications
Contributing Library: Fisher – University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto
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y for National Trancon-tinental Railway at Quebec. The N/T.R. Commission has let a con-tract for constructing a steam automobile ferry toCaminell, Laird and Co., Birkenhead, Eng.,to be utilized near ithe City of Quebec for thetransportation of trains across the St. Law-rence River, pending the completion of theQuebec bridge. The principal dimensions, and so on., will be asfollows:—Length on 15 ft. water line, 304ft. length more than fenders, about 326 ft.breadth, intense, about 66 ft. 9y2ins.depth moulded, 23 ft. imply draught withtrain load of 1,285 tons (gross), IS ft.speed, with train load of 550 tons (gross),15 statute miles per hour. The vessel will be of the twin screwtype, with a third ice breaking propellerfitted at the fore finish, for the carrying ofpassenger and freight trains at all seasonsof the year, these trains being of standardtype and composed as follows:—Standardpassenger train: 1 locomotive, 70 ft. 3express and baggage automobiles, 67 ft. each and every 3passenger cars, 80 ft., every three sleeping automobiles,
Text Appearing Soon after Image:
The Reid Newfoundland Co.s Steamship Lintrose. beam, and in addition to the usual installa-tions, of electric light, steam heating, and so on.,wireless telegraph is fitted. The propellingmachinery consists of single screw triple ex-pansion engines, supplied with steam byfour massive boilers functioning beneath forceddraught. On the trial trips the machineryworked without the slightest hitch, givingsatisfaction to all concerned. A maximumspeed of almost 16 knots was attained.(Mair., pg. 145.) The Canadian Pacific Railways PacificSteamship Service. The C.P.R.s new steamship Empress ofRussia sailed from Liverpool. Eng., April 1,via the Mediterranean, Suez Canal, Colombo,Singapore, for Hong Kong, China, to takeher spot on the Pacific service betweenBritish Columbia, Japan and China, and sheis expected to reach Vancouver, June 7. Shecarried a considerable number of passengers. The second of the companys new ves-sels, the Empress of Asia, will leave Liver-pool, June 14, and will proceed by means of Maderia,Cape
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